

New member
Hey guys about three weeks ago i started to have some issues with my tank. it all started with a huge patch of armor of god zoos (60+ heads). i came home from work one wed afteroon and saw the amog all closed up. really didnt think too much about it at the time because everything else looked super good. so i thought maybe the patch is just trying to bud so thats why they are closed. two days later they melted away and there where other zoos now at this time going through the same thing. so on that sat i tested my ph and it was kinda low so i did a water change and some buffer to get the ph back to 8.3 - 8.4. still the rest of the coral looked awesome but for the zoos at this time. ontop of doing a water change and fixing the ph i also bought new bulbs because i thought the lights might have been the issue as well. well now its three weeks later and my zoos look better but my mushrooms, xenia, trees, ricordias, yumas, and star polyops all look really bad. last thursday when the xenia started to look bad i brought my water to a LFS to have them test it to see if i was missing something when i tested it but all my levels where perfect. dont know what to do? i also have changed all my media on my ro/di unit thinking it might be that and have done a water change after the media chage and no change. im out of ideas on what to do. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!


You possibly made too many corrections too quickly. The new bulbs would cause your xenia, mushrooms ect.. to react by closing up, melting or attempting to move to another location, photoinhibition. They needed to be acculamated to the new lighting. Doing water changes helped your zoanthids, but changing the Ph too quickly causes other problems especially with inverts. Since you have changed the media and done w/c I would wait it out for awhile and let your tank settle. It is always best to make small changes that way you can narrow down the problem. One of the hardest things in this hobby to get used to is keeping your hands out of the tank. Good Luck.
alk is perfect, i didnt make the chages all at once. they were made over a weeks time. what do you guys keep your tank temp at? the xenia, and trees didnt start looking funny till 1 week after bulb change and yesterday was the first time for the star polyops not coming out.
is there any kind of equipment i should have on my tank besides powerheads, skimmer, and a sump?????
what kind of bulb or kelvin rating previous to before? did you raise the height after you changed to newer bulbs, then slowly move it down as time goes on to acclimate the corals to the new lighting?
the bulbs are the same kelvin and no i've never raised or lowered my lights before. is that something i should do? and the light is 6 bulb 240watt T5
So you changed all 6 bulbs at one time? when I had 8 bulb tek light when it was time I would change 2 bulbs at a time every 2 weeks to give the corals time to acclimate to the newer lights.
Imagine an older bulb that's probably putting out only 60-70% of what it used to when it new, and ran like this for 4-5months then all the sudden next day you change to all new bulbs.. that's probably a slight shock to the coral with the new intensity of lighting regardless of kelivin rating.