

New member
I just recently put my first coral into my tank. A daisy polyp frag and within fifteen minutes my Gold spotted rabbitfish was nipping at it. When i woke up the frag had huge bite marks in it and has been eaten up pretty bad. It never got a chance to open up but has only been in my system for 2 days and has yet to open up. Don't know if I'm getting a little over worried about it dying or if it just needs time to come around. If you have any ideas on how to get it to perk up it would be greatly appreciated.

(the rabbitfish was sold today)

Even though i have been in the hobby for over a year now i still consider myself a newly, but I'm ready to soak in all the information possible so that i steer away from problems such as this in the future.

thanks a lot
What would be a Daisy polyp frag, please?
Star polyp? Knopia sp?
I think the Daisy polyp you're talking about is a soft coral, not a zoanthid.
There are so many different usual names nowadays that I don't really know what is zoa and what's not. Sorry...

I believe you just need to wait and see what it's going to happen. If you notice any film on them you can dip in Lugo's.
Get about 8 to 10 oz of water from the tank and add 4 to 5 drops of Lugol's solution and leave the coral for about 3 to 5 min. before return it to the system. But only if there is bacterial infection or fungus on it.

I never had such coral but I do the treatment for zoanthids as I've wrote here.

Hope others would help you better than I did, specially if they have experiences with that coral.
Do you have a picture of it to show us?
Good luck!
