Here's a Positive!

That's sweet! Sucks that that reef in the video is slated for destruction. But rescuing all that coral! :D
Same, but if the reef is going to be destroyed, might as well give nature a head start and build an artificial reef! :D
I think that large scale geo-engineering is the only way we have a chance to stave off the problems we are creating. hopefully, projects like this will be successful. looks promising.
This is amazing! Thanks for sharing, perhaps one day reefkeeping practices and the knowledge we gain from keeping specimens in our tank can be used to rebuild wild reefs using these pyramids as a base
It's sad that they even have to build an artificial reef . They destroyed the one that was naturally there :(
Much like home developers who go into an area, clear a bunch of land(and trees), build homes and then give the subdivision some trendy name like "Sherwood Oaks"(with hardly any trees left).