here's hoping it colors up...


DVM in training
So i stopped in reef aquarium on bird to get some RO, say hey to henry, and drop off some GSP and xenia for him to sell.. I immediately saw a new section of aquacultured corals in the left tank... some zoas, random SPS and what appeared to be a 3/4" X 3/4" piece of superman monti.. a little bleached but clearly has potential... i jokingly asked henry if hed like me to take it home and grow it for him, he quickly bagged it up and sent me on my way...

so here is hoping it colors up... ill take pics at lights on tomorrow... if it does - heres hoping i can grow it lol...
What a bargain!

But what does "here" mean? Like I never understood "here's looking at you, kid". Is it interchangeable for "I" ?
lol... idk... its kinda like one of those things that is just said...

i guess... like - here is the hope that itll color up... this hope right here is the hope that it will color up... make any sense?

by the way, upon further inspection, i knew something was wrong when i saw it originally but i knew the colors were right but faded, it appears to be pink/red base with blue polyps... so like reverse of the regular superman... it could be just that faded that its hard to tell but if it is - does that make it any less interesting of a piece? he said it was sold to him as a superman but you all know how wholesalers can be...