Hey Tom how about an ozone/orp update

Meant to talk to you about it at the meeting but totally forgot, I just got a HOB skimmer to hook it through instead of running it through my GEO. I still need to hook it back up, the bubbles in the GEO were diminshing quite a bit the closer I got to 400 on the ORP meter so I am going to try running it through a different one instead. I'll let you know once it is all hooked back up.

sorry to butt in, but I was wondering where you run your ORP at on the meter?

I've heard everything from 450 to 400 to 350 bla bla... So I was just wondering where your running at?
The best I can tell from reading everything I can get my eyes on is that 385-400 is a good target. There is a continued rise in the lights out period that can drift you up 25-30 so that will keep the high point 410-430 which is about as high as I would want it to go.
Mine is set at 400, but right now the ozone is off and it runs around 300. The highest it got in the week that it was running was about 380. I plan on having it back online this weekend and keeping track of the readings and the time of day as well.
