So, I had a 25 year old yellow tang die yesterday adn thought it was old age - everyone else seems fine. However, today I ntoiced my Foxface hiding in the rocks and thought he was dying - he's not because he came back out swimming around later. However, it prompted me to test all my paramters which I hadn't done in awhile. My ammonia is 0.5ppm!!! I have no idea what the cause is. I mostly was testing nitrates because I have been tryint to bring that down - it was pretty high for a logn time and I wanted to start introducing new fish and coral - I hired an aquarium service to help. Nitrates are 20ppm now, phosphate is >1 but way less than 3. Nitrite is 0. But that ammonia....I pulled the yellpw tang out last night shortly after he died (I was watching him bc it was relatively quick and I couldn't get to him but after he died, he floated up). The only other big fish I have is a foxface and maybe a pajama cardinal who disappears fro weeks on end and comes back. My tank is 300 gallons plus 120 in the sump. Deep sandbed. Last water change was 2 weeks ago - they did large water chnages but everyone has been fine until now. Tank is way understocked.
I did add in some agae/phtoplankton frozen food which is new the last few days but I don't think I have fed that for a few days. I feed Rod's Fish Only and pellts and occasional seaweed.
I did add in some agae/phtoplankton frozen food which is new the last few days but I don't think I have fed that for a few days. I feed Rod's Fish Only and pellts and occasional seaweed.