High Magnesium

Calc 435, Alk 9.2 Salinity 1.024. Tested with red sea and salifert. Pretty sure readings are correct. Sort of new to dosing BRS 2 part and must have overdosed the mag. Not the point though. Will it cause any issues?
1600 probably won't hurt anything short term.
Some elevate above this to get rid of algae or something. I never had to do it but I have heard of people doing it.

Are you actually doing a 3 part or just 2 part? 2 part is generally Alk and Cal. supplements. The 3rd part is generally Mag.

Are corals or coraline growing in your tank? If so this will probably come down with normal water changes and use.
BRS 2 part is not Magnesium (are you doing 3 part or 2 part?), so the point is your reading is probably wrong.

But if it actually is 1600, do a couple water changes to bring back into check. The earth won't end, but just high.

EDIT - I must have been typing the same time as Rob was!