Premium Member
I got a hitchiker Octo when I got my first shipment of LR from TBS..I knew I wanted it out and was (am) going to try and trap it, but in the meantime ...ITS A SHE!! and Saturday morning my tank was covered with Octo eggs and little-teenie-tiny octos .. In addition, there were some that were grown to the stage you could really tell what they were (body, BIG eyes, identifiable tenticles/suckers) .. I have sucked a few out and have them in a glass jar (don't know how long they will last) ... anyone intrested? I enlisted the cavalry (in the form of a Piccaso Trigger) to help "clean up dodge" (things other than the momma) (Mantis, strong looking blue crab, etc), but if I can trap the mother, my pal said he would want it, but if not, her too. Let me know if anyone is interested in the babies for now. :hmm5: