Hmm, doesn't look good for my octo.


New member
My octo has been hiding in his/her cave for a while now, looks very white (but is still alive) and hasn't been eating well for the last two weeks.

Does this mean my bimac is near the end of his/her life? Nothing has changed in the past 3 months - water quality is the same as it has always been (good), lighting is the same too.

Any ideas?
Sorry to hear that. I don't know a lot, but white is a sign of stress, and not eating is also a sign that the end is near. I can't begin to guess what might have been wrong. Maybe given all the trouble you've had with your octo hiding and all you just got an unlucky bimac. I wish you luck.
Well, he was more of a normal color last night, and did take a hermit when I dropped the hermit right into his cave. He wouldn't come out to even grab the hermit, something he has often done when I get the hermit near him.

Oh well, I guess time will tell.