Ronald McDonald House is an awesome organization!
Additionally, my favorite causes are:
The Women's Foundation for a Greater Memphis:
The highest % of people living in poverty are women and children, yet there are very few organizations that focus on breaking the cycle of poverty by lifting up women. Help an impoverished woman get job skills, confidence and economic literacy and you've not only helped her, but you've set her children on a better path. At WFGM, you can make a holiday gift of $25 or more in someone's honor and they will send a greeting card to the person you choose. From the website: "Every gift helps support organizations in Memphis that help women and children reach their full potential.* Your contribution will help to transform our community and create social change by breaking the cycle of poverty. "
and the other is ....
Engineering World Health:
There is a crazy surplus of medical equipment in this country and an even more crazy shortage of useable medical equipment in developing world countries. EWH sends engineering students and professional engineers to developing world hospitals to bring donated equipment and to put existing equipment into service. They have TRANSFORMED hospitals in Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Haiti, Tanzania and other such countries. Here is an organization where a small donation has a HUGE impact - as in literally saving people's lives. I think you can donate off of the website or through paypal using the address
Thanks Malissa!!! What a great idea for a thread!
Economic times are tough now, but it's good to remind ourselves that we're fortunate compared to soooooo many others and to take the chance to make a difference where we can.