Home Sick


New member
(tear) ive been away from home for 4 days now, and i miss my tank, i want to see it again.(sigh) anyone else get home sick for their tank or am i just weird
It's not knowing what's going on that drives you crazy. You imagine the monti falling into the clam, or the purple acro falling off again into the sand. Sigh. No matter how many times I glue it. That thing's got to get a better rock.
Awww, you know what you could do? When I am away from home and the tank, I scout all possible new near LFS and stake out what I wanna buy to add to the tank at home. Pay for them and have them held until you pick em up to go home!

That's how I got my clams.... Plus it's way fun to loiter.

Thought I'd stop in and go- MUAH!!!!_ Hope you feel better.

99.9% of the crappiness of Basic Training and Tech School was just being stuck there away from everything you love, imo... The real way to comabt the sadness is to find new things to distract yourself with... Cool things in this world abound, right next to all the sucky crap!!
