homer1475's Biocube 29 Build Thread

You have to realize also soul, marine HLLE and FW HLLE are 2 totally different things. FW is caused by parasites, while the known cause in the marine environment is for the most part unknown and only anecdotal on the actual cause since in the wild marine fish don't ever present HLLE.

I just don't have any luck with a flame angel. While certainly a gorgeous fish, if this one dies, I'll be looking into something else. Suggestions on a fish that has the same characteristics of a flame angel(vibrant color, and swims the entire tank)?
Wrasses are great, especially if you can get a harem of them from Liveaquaria or special order through the LFS and have something really unique. There are lots of colorful fishes that swim lots. I hope we don't have to help you pick new fishes, but we'll see. Good luck!
Again all conjecture. FW cause is not known for the most part either. In the cichlid family it is normally a diet imbalance or improper water parameters since the person is either feeding incorrectly or not buffering the water properly. Some of the parasite conjecture comes from the feeder fish some people use but the fact still remains that those people are normally feeding only feeder fish and thus the diet is still out of whack.

Here is the core parasite theory:

A common contributing cause is the flagellate parasite Hexamita. This parasite primarily infects the intestinal tract, but then spreads to the gall bladder, abdominal cavity, spleen, and kidneys. As the disease progresses, the classical lesions of hole in the head disease appear. These lesions will open up and may discharge small white threads that contain parasitic larvae. Secondary bacterial or fungal infections may then develop in these openings and may lead to a more serious disease, and death.

Still a theory as no one really knows. The fact remains that no one really knows if a type of parasite can kick it off in SW either.

FW fish also do not typically present HLLE in the wild unless there are issues in the habitat. These issues cause water quality/food issues.

Even them being different between FW and SW is highly debatable. Same symptoms, same stages of disease, and typically exact same causes/solutions...
I have read that adding vitamin c into the foods helps homer, I know there was a whole multipage thing about hlle o the regal angel primer thread, and that is what solved it I think
Going to try some selcon. I will soak the frozen food in it then feed. S8ter recommended it, and I read some good reviews about. It's an all around good multi vitamin for marine fish.
Going to try some selcon. I will soak the frozen food in it then feed. S8ter recommended it, and I read some good reviews about. It's an all around good multi vitamin for marine fish.
Homer I have been using selcon for a few months. I soak all my frozen food over night.
My fish and sun corals all eat it. Good or bad can't say, but they all seem happy.
Well came home today to see the little acro frag completely white. :( Its now in the waste bin. Started the selcon feeding as well as grazer disks(everyone seems to like these). In just a couple short days, the angels head looks much better. Not sure if its the better food(still don't think he was malnutritioned), or the removal of carbon.

I'll give it a couple weeks and put carbon back in my system, except I think I'll put it back in my media rack and not in the reactor. After owning several FW and previous SW tanks, it just feels wrong to not have carbon in the system.
Sorry, I've been out (and am still out) on vacation, so haven't been following closely. I wouldn't have tossed the acro frag yet. If it's white it's still alive, I usually leave it on the bottom of the tank if it's all white, so that it starts browning out, then it can recover.

And if an acro dies, it has so little flesh it's not like it'll be a big pollution in the tank either. Oh well, bummer, sorry to hear it didn't work out.

Glad to hear that the angel is recovering nicely though!
Got a call from my LFS last night that he finally got a yellow sun coral in, and supposedly a white one also(until I see it, I'm going to assume its a dendro). Definitely going to buy the yellow today if it's a healthy specimen, and maybe the white if it truly is a sun coral and not a dendro. I have a sneaky suspicion its a fat head dendro, or even a cup coral. Not exactly sure where I'm going to put them in the tank(its getting super full), but I either need to isht or get off the pot with the bigger tank build. I'm very rapidly running out of room! Bigger tank, or get the wife to quit buying "pretty corals", and wanting every fish in the LFS. :lolspin:

Been feeding mysis soaked in selcon for a week or so now and all my fish and corals are fat and happy, corals are fatter and more PE then I have ever seen around feeding time. I'm even seeing a feeding response from the zoas when I put the selcon in the tank. Everyone really loves this stuff and its benefits are very noticeable. From better PE and coloration with the corals, to my fish just looking healthier and more vibrant, I would recommend selcon to anyone and everyone, its just like us taking a multivitamin every day.
Yeah there really is a HUGE difference in my fish and corals since added this to their diet. The wounds on my flame angel have all healed up(still some minor scarring though), and my clowns which previously hadn't grown much, have nearly doubled in size in about 2 weeks.
Yeah, selcon (and garlic) have been staples for getting a tank ready for feeding since long before any of us were in the hobby. I've never used it because it just looks like a gross lipid oil slick, but it's definitely a great way to stimulate feeding if you need it. Actually the Prodibio "Reefbooster" looks a lot like selcon, but I haven't been using it because it clouds the tank for a full day. Everything seems to love it though, and it smells like fatty oily fish stuff lol.

I hear you on the tank size. I'm glad your experience has been so good that you're wanting to upgrade. It's a good place to be in. I'm there too, but since I have nowhere to put a bigger tank, I'm just letting the tank grow out and trying not to shift my spending to another hobby (audio, electronics, computer stuff, etc.).

I don't have the time or space for any other hobbies either, so I'm just letting the tank grow. I should start fragging soon which is another good point to be at, though I didn't want to have to go through the trouble. Maybe start fragging if you're outgrowing the tank? Let the tank fill in, and anywhere that there's competition you can just start chopping away. I'm sure the LFS would gladly buy back sun polyp frags.

It would be cool to see a white sun coral. let us know how it goes!
The white "sun coral" ended up being a cup coral, so disappointing.

I did of course get the yellow sun(has yet to open up), and a nice 3 head frag of an aussie acan, it has some nice yellows and reds in it.
So while I was at the LFS yesterday I figured I would snap a couple pics of those famed long finned clownfish. Nice looking fish, but not for 750$ for the pair. There are only 20 pairs in the USA.

No thats not ich on him, looks as though the female has been beating the heck out of him.

The Aussie acan I bought.

And the yellow sun coral

Yes I did, those shots are from within my tank, and while I haven't seen it open yet, it is yellow. All the stalks are yellow, and the inner circles(where they open from) is also yellow. So I'm going to assume its yellow? I was just getting ready to pull it from the tank to feed it, so we'll soon see, assuming it will open.
Homer when I got my yellow sun coral the closed polyps all are very yellow.
Here is a photo of my yellow sun coral the day I pick it up. There are also
orange polyps on this coral. Have a look.


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Yes mine looks the same. My pictures are very washed out. It's most definitely yellow, since sitting in a container eating and its somewhat open. :thumbsup:
Sun coral is most definitely yellow. Although its actual mouths are somewhat orange. Yellow polyps with orange mouths?

Little blurry, but you can certainly see the tentacles and polyp is yellow, but the mouth is most definitely orange.

Colors are still a bit washed out, but it is not all yellow like Barry's is. While not fully open like my black is now at night, it's slowly starting to "warm up" to my tank and feeding regimen.


I just submitted my tank for nTOTQ, you guys should as well.
Quick question for anyone using vortech mp10's......

Lately when my pumps ramp up to full, they make a intermittent squeaking(for lack of a better term) noise for a while. If I adjust them slightly it will usually stop, but start right up again the next day.

Is this because I'm not using the spacers on my biocube? Or is something else going on with my vortechs? Should I be using the spacers?