hooking up my chiller need help


Premium Member
i just bought a chiller for my 140gallon tank and i dont know where to put the pump and put the return hose. i have large sump heres the pic

what section would you put the pump and where would you put the return hose? thanks
I've got mine in-line on my return pump. It creates some head pressure, so I've got to throttle down the opposite return to make sure it gets enough flow, but it works. If I were going to make a seperate loop for a chiller, I would put the inlet in the first chamber and outlet in the last chamber. In my mind, it would bypass the skimmer and fuge chambers, but it would put the cooler water where it's needed, in the display.
I have mine on a closed loop with a pump rated specifically for the chiller. How much flow do you instructions indicate the chiller needs? Be sure to follow directions, too much or too little is not good.
250gph for a chiller that will run a 140 gal tank seems a little low to me. I have a chiller I'm still debating whether to install or not and it's a 1/10hp that needs a min of 500gph going through it or over time it will give problems.


I think you should find a way to install both the pump and return in the first chamber (if you can find the room). That way you won't get any micro bubbles coming back into the display. It's also important that you have enough flow going through your sump or the chiller might not cool accurately.