Horrible protien skimmer!

I once used a the 100 version and thaught it was a peice of junk too. It was really hard to tweak to get it to work and when it did it collected
maybe 1/4 a inch every 3 days on a highly stocked 40g breeder. I dislike it alot. I heard of people supe'n them up with an airstone in the chamber on the bottom.

I use a CPR backpack. Its rated for 65 gallons but is on my 90 which is a 141 gallon system. its skims alot of gunk out. nice and dark and stinky. it werks so well i havent baught a bigger skimmer yet. i love it! Thanks CPR!
i have graduated from the sea clone to the asm baby! yes, i do still have the 100 on my 30 breeder with some xenia and zoa's . its fine for that. I did crack the curved poipe on the 150 and picked up the 100 cause in a hurry. coral color is so much better with a good skimmer tho.
Of course they're going to tell you the Seaclone is wonderful, just look at the swirling motion of the cyclone in the chamber!!! That right there is enough to tell you it's junk. There is little to no contact time for the water/air bubbles. The swirling cyclone is the only thing neat about them but you can spin a soda bottle and get the same effect too.
Prizm's aren't the greatest (for the money, get a Coralife Super Skimmer (CSS)).

However, the nice thing about Prizms is that they have a smaller footprint in the tank than the CSS.

If you actually have a Prizm already, try raising the entire skimmer up a bit (an inch or so). This allows you to run the skimmer more "wide open" which helps a lot.

In my office, there are 4 nano-tanks; a 30g with a Prizm Pro (the big one), a 10g with a regular Prizm (my tank) a 15g with CSS and a 10g with CSS. They all work pretty good however...

- The big Prizm gets clogged and FLOODS. It skims quite good, but flooding even once is enough to nix it
- The small Prizm is sitting on a wooden "chair" to raise it an inch up. It collects about 1/4" of scum every day or two. It works MUCH better than when it just hung off the tank. In the 10g it works great.
- The CSS are working just great, but on the 10g tank it's pump is incredibly obtrusive. In the 15g it's much better hidden, and it works great.

At home I have an AquaC EV120, which works very well. I hate cleaning the bubble tower though. I also have an AquaC Remora on my 10g quarantine tank at home. It works great as well, though a bit loud.

The guy with the 30g says he had a BakPak and loved it.

So... from the experience of the guys here, the CPR BakPak, AquaC Remora and Coralife Super Skimmer all work great. The small Prizm works well if you raise it up to allow it to move more water through it. The big Prizm works great BUT might flood. The reason the big prizm floods and the small one doesn't is due to the design of the collection cup (and height of the collection tube in relation to the collection cup lid...the smaller prizm, if it "goes crazy" just dumps water back down through the collection tube).

From everything I've read (but have no expeirence with) the SeaClone is better off modded into something else...

has anyone had any experience with the precision marine es-100? I recently upgraded and cycled a new 90 gal with 40 gal sump and I am on the fence with it. From what I've read online, It's not a particularly popular skimer but can be very effective...

any thoguhts?
SeaClowns? Ugh, I've used them in the 80's when they were all that was available here in the states at 3 different fish stores.

Where they better than nothing? Barely!

You would have to spend hours and sometimes even days getting them tuned in and even then ANY changes (water, chems, meds, temp) would completely throw it out of whack.

I agree that the Prizms are not the best but they're a big step up from a SeaClown.

Needle Wheels are supposed to be the best but more moving parts (IMO) lead to more problems.
I stepped up to an Aqua C Remora Pro and I'd never go back. It may not be the "latest and greatest" but it's doing a great job for my 90 gallon reef.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7328923#post7328923 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Marinemom
So what gives? Do you have a suggestion for a better protien skimmer? This woman would like to know?


I would suggest an AquaC Remora. It's a HOT type. If you have a sump for this tank, I would recommend a ASM, Deltec, Euroreef...there is alot more options for in-sump skimmers.

The only type that hangs on the tank that is good (IME) is AquaC Remora.

I too use the Aqua C Remora and I love it. For the money, they're hard to beat and it's simple to upgrade to higher capacity pump if you like.
Yeah, and when weighing the AquaC vs Needlewheel-skimmers, remember that the AquaC uses a "cheap" (ha ha!) mag pump but the impellors on the ER/ASM/etc pumps cost more than most pumps! (Which is fair, because I think the needlewheel pump is actually the key to the skimmer's success).

I agree the Mags on the Auga C are poor.

I have the Eheim 1260 on my Ev-120 and will blow the doors off a ASM.

I think the wheels help but it is more then that; like design, flow, pressure, etc.
As much modding as I've seen people have to do to there NeedleWheels I'll pass for something I know works right out of the box.