Hosting multiple clowns in one coral


New member
Hey guys, I have a big frogspawn that is currently hosting two ocellaris clowns. What are the logistics of maybe adding 1-2 small ones to the mix? Is some aggression to be expected initially/will they naturally approach the two clowns already hosting? Thought it'd make for a more interesting dynamic for the tank.
That looks like a hammar rather than a frogspon. Any new clownfish will probably not be a good idea, apart from agression it will also stress the coral.

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Thanks. Under the lighting it looks a bit more hammer-ish, but it is a frogspawn. It was stressed when the clowns originally started hosting, but it's gotten adjusted. How do people go about introducing multiple clowns then? Do they just add them in all as a group?
People typically keep only 1 pair of clowns. If you try to add more, you'll see extreme amounts of bullying and most likely the death of the new additions.
I hate to say this, but your beautiful frogspawn was never meant to host ANY clownfish. This is abusive to the coral. You will lose the coral. I know it looks adorable now, but it's abusive.
I hate to say this, but your beautiful frogspawn was never meant to host ANY clownfish. This is abusive to the coral. You will lose the coral. I know it looks adorable now, but it's abusive.

It has been hosting clownfish for the past 4+ years, it's doing fine. I know it's not the norm, but exceptions, exceptions.
Personally I wouldn't add more, that's asking for trouble. Once a pair has been established, the pair tend to pick on / kill any new clown additions to the aquarium.

It'd be different if your pair were still unsexed juveniles...but adults tend to be hostile towards newcomers who try to invade their established territory.
It has been hosting clownfish for the past 4+ years, it's doing fine. I know it's not the norm, but exceptions, exceptions.

Same with my torch. The clowns have been in it since it was 4 heads. It's now about 30 heads bigger.

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Unless the tank is at least 6' long, the current clowns will kill new additions.

Your "frogspawn" is a branching hammer, E. parancora. Frogspawn has multiple tips per tentacle. Branching hammer just has one, for the most part. The tentacles aren't quite as hammer-shaped as "the" hammer, E. ancora.
Unless the tank is at least 6' long, the current clowns will kill new additions.

Your "frogspawn" is a branching hammer, E. parancora. Frogspawn has multiple tips per tentacle. Branching hammer just has one, for the most part. The tentacles aren't quite as hammer-shaped as "the" hammer, E. ancora.

There we go! Never seen that variety before. Never looked quite like frogspawns but also much less like normal hammers. Thanks!