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Are differently colored zoo's different species or are they just color variations or strains? How do they get so many color combos, are they seen in Nature like this? Seems like every other day I see a new super bright zoo with a different color pattern; I've had some pretty wild ones myself, one fluorescent bubble gum pink, and one very bright green with sunshine yellow & orange inside.
Since most corals won't ever go sexual in a tank, I'd assume you can't do a breeding program to get a new unique color variation, as you might with a horse or a rose. And is the color just due to the kind of zooxanthelae that symbiote with them?
Since most corals won't ever go sexual in a tank, I'd assume you can't do a breeding program to get a new unique color variation, as you might with a horse or a rose. And is the color just due to the kind of zooxanthelae that symbiote with them?