How are you guys?

Hey miss you! I’ll look through FB. Planning on building some new stuff. Starting small and making tanks/sumps etc. out of acrylic myself.
That's a nice size. I'm going to start with making my girlfriend a small tank out of acrylic. Then I either want to make a frag tank or a long lagoon tank that I can incorporate into a big system later. I live in Alabama now and the community is small. I may have to travel around to get parts and livestock from other areas. Should be interesting.

Still riding?
I am trying but it has been hard. Just got back in town had been working out of town for the last year
Bruce, same here. Travel for work makes it hard but I've been getting more used to the trainer just to get miles. Hoping to have a lot of good base miles so when it warms up I'm on track. Last year was bad
old farts unite!

It really has turned into a ghost town around here with everyone doing the FB thing. I miss having meaningful threads and better discussions here. FB just doesn't seem like the right tool for the job. All I see is vendor shills and oh look at my new coral. I used to learn quite a bit around these parts and checked in daily.

The FB groups I might check once a month, mostly to see if I can find the meeting post that is buried somewhere in the mess.
I completely agree. FB isn’t the same. I flipped through a little and left unsatisfied. I guess the older we get we will always say things were so much better back in the day. In the case of this forum I say absolutely. I do not live in the TB area these days but as I slowly get back into reefing, I’ll visit this page often. I’ll also be watching for things for sale and have no problem coming down to pick up things.
Nope even when I thought I was gone for good... here I am. Lol

I'm kinda wanting to get back in, but the missus knows me too well.

1 small reef turns into several small reefs then I talk her into a big reef (cause stuff don't fit the small reefs) and on and on.
Not to mention the $800+ electric bills.
Lakeland Frag Swap

Lakeland Frag Swap

Had a great time, got some corals for the 150 remake, all in tank with Chinese can lights, looks solid for now!:bounce2: