How big/heavy a tank?


Premium Member
I got a question that I figure some of you guys might know the answer to or have a "ball park" estimate for.

I live on the 3rd floor of an apartment complex and currently have a 120 plus sump, small refugium, 200 lbs of live rock and 160 lbs of live sand. This is currently operational.

However, I'd love to go bigger. What I don't know and what I love to get is some feedback on what a "typical" apartment complex in NJ would be able to support. I obviously don't want to approach management nor do I want to chance it with to big a tank.

Does anyone know a general rule or anything concerning construction that would give me an idea or anyone know off the top of their head how large a tank you can do without having to get into extra supports and whatnot?

I might be more limited with physically getting a bigger tank in the apartment then what it can support. I've been eyeing a nice 265 gallon tank that would fit well if I can even get it up here. But if I can't get a bigger tank up here because of the stairs with U turns (I hate that) then I could always add another 120. But again if they are next to each other I want to make sure I'm not going to have a weight issue.

Any ideas?

That helps figure out the total weight of the tank but I already know how to do this. BTW, the calculator above isn't quite as good as a couple of others since you can't input both rock and live sand pounds.

But my main question is how much can a "normal" apartment hold weight wise. If I know the weight I can figure out the tank that would err on the safe side.

For example, can a normal 5 year old apartment construction in NJ hold 3, 4, 5 thousand pounds without worry in a 6 foot long tank. That's the type of question I'm looking to get answered. Not very scientific but I'm just wondering if anyone knows this and can give me a "comfort level" for my next tank.

If its only 5 years old, you do have a huge advantage of being able to simply ask the builder/architect what the load bearing capacity of the unit would be. In general, I consider 120-150 to be the maximum gallonage that you want to put on a regular everyday floor. More than that, and you need to start doing calculations or consider going to the concrete floor or something with beams/posts from underneath. Even placing the tank along an outside supporting wall may not be enough, but it sure helps...

Im on a second floor, and 180gallons has me worried... even over a 42"x42" footprint.