how big of a container.

I am making a 'fuge out of a 1 gallon plasstic critter carrier, and an aq mini. I was going to put in some lr and a mangrove plant, and possibly some macro. Should i just put in macro, ecuase a one gallon container doesn't seem beig enough. what do you recommend?


btw... this 1 gallon fuge will be on a 15 gallon mixed tank w/ some sps
I would just put in some macro - maybe chaeto - and maybe some lr rubble (small pieces) for pod homes.

alright i guess i will go that rout..... i've always like mangroves, they give kind of a cool sophistacated and complicated "full ecosystem" look to a tank. but I can get chaetomorpha easily from my big tank. What ddo u think about grape caulerpa
I have both but I'm not sure if there would be room for both to grow. The possibility of racemosa (grape caulerpa) going sexual, like most caulerpas, increases with crowding. I have always harvested my racemosa when the refuge was about 3/4 full. I would harvest until it was less than half full and allow it to regrow.

The problem with the mangrove is that (according to many posts) it exports nutrients slower than the chaeto or racemosa until the mangrove is a fair size. I don't know if it will be able to grow very big when you limit the roots to a 1 gallon container. I did see one post recently warning of putting too many mangroves in a tank as the roots will crack the glass.

One final warning - racemosa and chaeto both like light - the more light the faster they grow. Watch that you don't melt the plastic container with too hot of a light source.

it is a small fuge becuase i was bored, had the stuff, needed a diy project. plus it is only a 15 gallon tank, and i think that a one gal contianer full of chaetomorpha (or somehting like that) will be enough for my tank.