how can i kill this VG..interceptor??..they are taking over

I had one in my tank that an acropora milleopora had grown over and they grew together I treated for RB's (interceptor) which did not appear to kill it.

Mine didnt cause any problems though.

take some epoxy and cover the opening thus starving him and acheiving your goal. Do some research before murdering him though ... I dont claim to be very knowledgable on them.

I have a few that started popping up recently. It's funny b/c I didnt even know what they were until this thread(Thanks!). I noticed them mucosing alot and it looks really ugly. The mucus agitates a millepora frag I have located above one of the snails so much it will close it's polyps when the mucose touches it. I tried to just chip one of the big ones away with a big nail, no luck. The shells are freakin tough!!! Im gonna go home and shoot a few up with some kalk tonight and ill report back what happens. Hopefully thew will OD! :)
I doubt the interceptor would kill the vermetids (I think it only affects ecdysozoans). Crushing the tubes will kill them, though.
If you just seal their hole they will burrow out a create a new tube. I use super glue gel & make sure I squirt it into the tube & gum him up inside.
man oh man... you named everyting i treid.. by the way if you break tem off or use a razor blade or some thing to get them.. you must get to the end of the tunnel.. and then guess what... i think they just multiply by you tearing them apart or mutilating... since the time i have tried to kill them they have many time multiplied.. yes i have epoxy and glued over themm... they find a way to live... it crazy... i have found no prediator...

how do you get the super glue in there with out it gummingup the whole squeze bottle of glue.. in other words i only get one or two squezzes out of a glue bottle... and then the tubes are so long its hard to get themm...

need some other ideas...
how do you get the super glue in there with out it gummingup the whole squeze bottle of glue.. in other words i only get one or two squezzes out of a glue bottle... and then the tubes are so long its hard to get themm...

The few I had were large enough for the tip of the glue bottle to fit almost into the tube. I also pulled the rock out of the water to do it. You have to hit the snail with glue so it's stuck in there.

You could try using a glass eye dropper filled with boilng water & squirt in into the tube. That will kill it. Gotta do that out of the water too. I've done this to kill hydroids in tight spots.
nope to many to pull rock out of water... corals are growing on them also.... i have tried the glue... correct you have tohit them with it..