How clean is your sump?


Active member
How clean do you keep your sump? How much detritus is in there? Do you keep critters in there to clean your sump?

When I do a water change I usually kick up a lot of dust. My corals actually seem to respond like they are feeding. So it appears to be okay.

I'm stuck at the house. And just one more odd thing to cross my mind. Thought I'd ask the Central what you thought.
You can clean the sump???

Every year or so I'll remove the LR in the sump and siphon up the mud underneath. Otherwise I leave it be.
My sump is actually pretty clean. Every three weeks when I do a water change I'll stir things up with a powerhead. Most of the detritus get pumped up to the DT where I can either siphon it out or it gets removed by a filter sock on the way back down. Because I do this on a regular basis the sump never really has a chance to get dirty.
Yeah, if one is taking the time to clean a sandbed or a mechanical filter on a regular basis, (a filter sock for example) it only makes since to clean the sump as well. A habit like this is what keeps a tank running LONG TERM IME. GL.