How did you get your stand in your house?


Active member
I just bought a new home, and it doesnt have a sliding glass door.
The largest exterior door opening is 35.5" and my stand is 37.5"x37.5"x84"

I was thinking of cutting the metal stand in half horizontally on the 8 legs, inserting a metal sleeve, then reattaching the top half of the stand. This would essentially make the stand a 2 piece stand. The sleeve would be thick stock that would provide some structure to the stand, but over all the weight of the tank on top should hold it in place.

What do you think?
That sounds like a good plan both myself an a friend of mine are doing fairly large builds and ran into the same problem where the stand simply will not fit through any door or window. So we designed the metal stands to be made in two pieces that stack horizontally one atop the other then bolt together.
if it was me i would not cut the stand as you may never get it back to the same structural integrity unless you can weld it back when inside. I would remove a door to include the frame and if you need to make it larger remove one of the 2x4s. then get the stand in and rebuild the frame and put the door back. JM2C
I would just get a friend with a welder to tack it back together once inside the house. You don't want any free play in that stand because if it starts rocking for some reason eg kids pushing tank or earthquake, there will be no stopping it. Just get it welded once inside. Mobile welder might charge $100 but well worth it.
My tank was 36x36 in cross section and backed within a foot of the garage wall. I needed permanent access to the back of the tank, so I cut a window through to the garage and framed it in. I made the window large enough so that I could load the tank and stand through the new window opening. I still need to add a door to the window, but I have access to most of the tank back and top.
I contacted a mobile welder and he is coming out to do the job.
I think I am still leaning towards the 2 part stand, just going to tell him to reinforce it more (maybe with some solid square bar) to get the integrity back.
I also do not have to get a welder back out to my home if I ever sell this tank and go bigger..LOL

I do not have to worry about earthquakes (I like in Phoenix)...