Want to frag a buddies (think its a purple or blue) mushroom and he said he thought you had to cut it through the eye but someone said to just cut off a side and tie it to a plug. Help please
You can just cut off a side but there will be a better chance of survival if you go right through the mouth in a smooth motion(no sawing back and forth) with a razor blade/ scapel. Idk about tieing it to a frag plug but I know you can put it in a dish with rubble and in a couple days it will attach.
I'm not sure how cutting a piece of the side off would fare, as i have not tried it, but I have cut mushrooms at the stalk before and a new head has always grown out of the remaining stump given a couple weeks. You could also slice it down the center through the mouth, as you stated.
I've heard that you can put a mushroom in a blender rip it to shreds then pour it in your tank and will have baby mushrooms popping up all over your tank. Don't know if it works or not but it might.
Yes best chance of both pieces thriving is to cut it through the mouth straight cut one pass of the razor blade.
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