how do I get my rics and shrooms to grow


New member
I've been keeping some red shrooms and a few rics of different colors. Is there any secret to get them to grow and multiple without cutting them?

I try feeding them and they don't usually eat.

what is the average time for them to spread or reproduce?
Neither will take much in the way of solid food but both thrive with dissolved nutrients. Although most 'shrooms can take small chunks (brine/mysis), most get their nutrition from the water. Nutrient rich waters encourage much faster growth of shrooms. The tanks I've seen with the biggest and lushest mushroom and riccordea growth are the ones where the owners are "heavy handed" at feeding time - particularly with spirulina flakes.
If they are happy they will start to split. Mine looked like it had a hole in it in the middle going toward the left side. They hole then started to close and the part to the left started to make it's own cap and is falling off to the side.
Like said before check parameters .

From my humble experience, rics and mush takes a fair amount of time to establish in a tank.

Mine simply stayed the same (only one polip) for like 6 months. After that period the simply reproduce like crazy.

+1 on nutrients

also slow flow and light (at least for rics)

I have a few that haven't showed any signs of splitting yet either. I am not worried though, I will just buy a few more to fill in the empty gaps on the rock. :)
I'm also interested in getting my mushrooms to grow faster. Is there a trick to having higher nutrients without creating nuisance algae?
I find my florida eat cyclops and lobster eggs

Yeah I noticed my Rics don't do much in the reef tank. I did feel like when I target fed they seem to take up the food but doesn't really change their growth. They are doing better in the biocube frag tank where there is more nutrients.

Has anyone noticed if target feeding makes a difference?