How do I get rid of these


New member
I have an invasion of small nautilus shaped clams(??) that have gradually taken over my substrate. I haven't noticed them effecting the corals however it seems they are filtering my water to near zero when I test for NO3 and PO4.

They showed up about a year ago and have now completely invaded the substrate. Looking to find a natural way to get rid of them. Could change substrate but that would only provide a temporary solution most likely.


I have a picture but I can't seem to attach it
They are just free living fauna of your tank. I would leave them alone. They are grazer. Baby snails are great food for wrasses and angels and other fishes that hunt the surface. I have so many predators (of these fauna) in my tank, they keep them in check and is a great source of food for them.
With these you can keep a lot of the hard to keep wrasses, like Leopard wrasse, other people cannot keep.
Benthic foraminifera?

Benthic foraminifera?

I made a thread in the past with a few replies.
I was told perhaps they are Benthic foraminifera (which still means nothing to me)
What eats them? Wrasse?
I have so many in the substrate that it is brown like a layer of algae. After mixing it up they are all at the surface again in 24 hours

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Larger wrasses eat various Fauna in the rock and sand bed. My Harlequin Tusk wipe out a thriving population of small snails and Stomatella snails in my tank after a few weeks. He also eat small Chiton population I have in my tank. These Chiton are pink and white only grow to about 1/4 inch.
HT are large wrasse and require a large tank. My Melanurus also active hunter of benthic fauna and should eat these. This is a much smaller wrasse then the Tusk
Thank-you for the replies

Would the Melanurus Wrasse be a problem for my Manderine ? He is well established in a 200 gallon largely occupied by live rock.

I will post a few more recent pictures of these invaders in a few days.

Can anyone offer more on what they are?
Well run 200 gal tank that never been treated with medication should have plenty of fauna for a few wrasse and a pair of Mandarin.