how do you catch a mantis shrimp?


New member
i have an orange one, about 3/4 of an inch in one of my rocks. i rarely see him unless there's another invert around him that he tries to fool with. he's in the ricordia rock that i'm trying to sell to reddawg so i'd really like to get him out and murder him.
if he is in that rock w/ the rics why not take the rock out once he goes in and put it in fw for a few
i kind of have a personal vendetta against him since now i know pretty matter of factly what happened to 3 or 4 of my lost blue legged hermits. right now i want that SOB to fry hahahaha

i always thought about a mantis tank, but i can't stand when even the tiniest of creatures die (except for this creepy mantis). i couldn't bring myself to feed it crabs and such. i know this is inconsistent with me being 6'2" and 250 lbs. hahaha
in a previous post about dipping many members said that they dip their rics when they first get them with no ill effects.
sweet, thanks a lot jessp, i'm gonna do it when i get back from the run and hopefully i can take some pics of the little devil while still salvaging the ric rock
i poked in his little hole and made sure he was there, then i yanked the rock out so he was definitely in there. is he suposed to just come out of the rock once in freshwater? because nothing came out
the dip wont hurt the rics. I feel like I remember roger or gasman having a type of bow and arrow sling shot thing, that would be able to take care of that little prob for you.