How do you dip? If you don't have interceptor.

Low salinity dip - 1/4 cup of salt to 1 gallon of R/O water. Dip the coral for 5 seconds. Pests will come flying off!
The new Tropic Marin Pro coral cure works. Its a 15 min dip. Two people here in Phx have observed the red bugs dying within the 15 min with this dip. Also one person has seen the AEFW detach with this dip. Our best LFS in town is carrying it. But its not a full tank solution. Just for preventive dips.
Its an iodine based solution and does turn the water dark. I used it on my last batch of frags. I didn't see any pests and the frags came through just fine.
BTW take out any acro crabs first as this WILL kill them.
