How do you get large tanks in the house


I was looking at upgrading my tank to a large cube tank. Then I got to thinking, how do you get the tank and stand in the house? I don't have any double french doors to give me a large opening in the house. Even if I did a smaller cube like36x36x20, I couldn't get the stand in the house. If I made the stand in 2 parts I could, but would this be fine structurally to hold the weight of the tank?
I measured my door space, then chose an option of a tank that could fit through no problem, I went with two 180s. Then had the entertainmnet/stand built in place. When we start adding on to our home double french doors are definitly a must!
I had to take the door and frame off. Because I neglected to concider the size of the door when I had the tank and stand made. I did an external overflow and had the stand 6 extra inches bring it to 75"l x36"d x 30"t. It struck me when I picking it up. WILL IT GO THRU THE DOOR? Yes with a couple hours of a carpenters help.
Thanks for the respones. Is it possible to make the stand in 2 pieces and keep the structural integrity of the stand? I don't want to do this and find out later the stand would not hold and have an aquarium on the floor.
Maybe have a pedestal built to be as sturdy as possible, yet can blend in with the stand. That will give you a few inches to reach the height you want but still let the stand be low enough to go through the door.
I was thinking if I had the stand frame made in steel, I could have it made in halfs. That way it would fit through the door and then be able to be bolted together. I could then skin the outside in the wood of my choice and apply it to the steel frame.

Complete new front door, sidelights and casings. Wife was very happy:)

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8194219#post8194219 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by docwells
I was thinking if I had the stand frame made in steel, I could have it made in halfs. That way it would fit through the door and then be able to be bolted together. I could then skin the outside in the wood of my choice and apply it to the steel frame.

I'm doing exactly that. Ok, not exactly. I'm having a steel stand built in 3 sections and then they will be bolted together in the room that the tank will be. The reason is that stand is going to be 72x30x40 and neither the 30 nor the 40 dimension will fit through the door to my office. So I'm making 3 pieces measuring 24x30x40. They will all sit in an aluminum tray that will be 4" tall (to hold the inevitable spills) and then bolted together. I figure the bolts will hold it together, the tray will help give it integrity and the plywood that sits on top will keep it one level piece. I'll let you know how it works out.
That's along the same idea line I was thinking. Let me know how it goes. I would assume once you bolt the frame back together, it will support the tank without problem.
the window window had 32 x 34 inch and I fit my tank in from there, but that is a pain in the should definitely get a tank that fits, or get a new door ;) Gotta love the hobby, mo money money mo money.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8204515#post8204515 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by docwells
That's along the same idea line I was thinking. Let me know how it goes. I would assume once you bolt the frame back together, it will support the tank without problem.

Ok. I'm hoping to be getting the stand built in the next week or two. I'll follow up with pics when I do.
Yeah, the window thing is going to be the way we go...second story window, 300 gal tank...window out, very large 7'wide scissor lift...and the drama continues...

Good Luck!
Most doors are 36" wide, so it the tank is 34" tall or less, the length and width won't matter so long as you get it in sideways. A stand could be an issue because it may be a little over 36" for most. A 2 part stand that you can put together with either lag bolts inside the house or nailing it together should work well.