New member
This is for all of you out there that have beautiful tanks which i envy. my tank is realtively new.... 2-3 months, and i see all of these beautiful tanks in which the corals have amazing color... my blue mushrooms and red and green zoanthids (the only corals i have so far in the tank) just look so so. they are growing, but their coloration tends to be more brownish... i have a refugium, excalibur skimmer, and about 45 pounds of live rock in my 47 gallon. My bioload is 5 turbo snails, about 30 nassarius(sp), and about 5 reef hermits. i also have two percs. IS THERE SOME MAGIC TRICK TO GETTING AMAZING COLORS? i should also add that i do about a 25% water change bi-weekly. i dose kents liquid calcium and buffer 3-4 times a week. I feed my fish once every other day. My lighting is a single corallife 10k 150 HQI pendant. Thanks in advance for the help.
Water param.
ph: 8.2- 8.3
Calcium: about 390 ppm
Alk: about 8.5 dkh
Nitrates: .2
nitrites: 0
Phosphate: .1
Ammonia: 0
Water param.
ph: 8.2- 8.3
Calcium: about 390 ppm
Alk: about 8.5 dkh
Nitrates: .2
nitrites: 0
Phosphate: .1
Ammonia: 0