How do you guys stay in the hobby??


New member
I've been in the hobby for 9yrs now and have always had a tank. However, I'm usually only interested in the hobby a couple times a year! Hate to say it, but I usually get my tank clean as can be, buy a couple things and then lose interest after only a couple weeks. Tank is usually full of bubble algae, hair algae and looks absolutely terrible. I'll dread cleaning the tank for a month and when I finally break down and do it, the bug bites me again and I love the hobby all over. I'll Enjoy a clean tank for a couple weeks until I lose interest and rinse and repeat....

Anyone else like that? I've seen some of you guys stay active day in and day out since I joined 9 years ago. My question to you guys is, how do you stay so interested in the hobby? Any other interests?
Keep it simple so you don't have to do to much work
to keep up with maintaining the system. Don't get into
the flavor of the month corals and fish. Find things you
like and can take care of and enjoy the view
Well I haven't been into the hobby anywhere near as long as some of these guys. But I can see how day in and day out you can stay into it. IMO the hobby is always changing, new research/technology to improve the hobby. And not to mention it's something you can't just master. There is always something to learn, or something *knocks on wood* can go wrong that you need to correct or fix. Also a lot of people upgrade, tank and or equipment. So if you are into the science, or technology side of the hobby then you always find something new to try. Just my 2 cents. I'm still very new to the hobby.

If I'm being honest, in very close to where you are. I love the hobby, but it is getting very difficult to keep fighting hair algae, bubble algae and any other type I may get after this.

I have been honestly considering getting out soon because it is taking me to much time, money and effort just to keep algae away.

I guess what I'm saying is, you are not alone.
How to I stay interested..... I'm sure all of use have up and downs in maint. I have automated my system as much as posible so I don't have a lot I have to do on the regular.
Keep it simple so you don't have to do to much work
to keep up with maintaining the system. Don't get into
the flavor of the month corals and fish. Find things you
like and can take care of and enjoy the view


Don't be a slave to your tank. Get some good equipment and automate your system as much as you can. This hobby is expensive, so buy a little bit at a time.

All I want to do is watch corals grow and clean my glass once a week.
Well I haven't been into the hobby anywhere near as long as some of these guys. But I can see how day in and day out you can stay into it. IMO the hobby is always changing, new research/technology to improve the hobby. And not to mention it's something you can't just master. There is always something to learn, or something *knocks on wood* can go wrong that you need to correct or fix. Also a lot of people upgrade, tank and or equipment. So if you are into the science, or technology side of the hobby then you always find something new to try. Just my 2 cents. I'm still very new to the hobby.

well said..
My .02

for me -it's compatibility.
From the equipment to the stock have to have a concept that will self sustain.
I realized with my schedule that "dosing" for corals and finding the right PAR just was not attainable.
..So I switched to a fish only tank. The equipment is energy efficient , The All glass viewable (clean ) aquarium is maintained & all the med/Lrg size fish were qt'd..... I couldn't be happier.

Do I love corals and Nem's -Yes
was it impeding on my enjoyment -yes

So I stripped down to basics. bought over sized equipment to reduce my maintenance and things are going good.

its nice to see the tank of the month and 400 gallon aquariums that look like they are straight out of the Maldives,, Just couldn't do it.

but , with all natural things that can change in a heartbeat.:bigeyes:
When it stops becoming a hobby scale back.
What you fail to realize is that everyone goes through this. We are our own worst critics!

The fun for me was trying new things and what works best for me. It is hard to stay motivated without a doubt. Try coming to a reef club meeting, you will see other peoples tanks, get ideas, and find some motivation.

Nothing is better than finding success. tarpon season rolls around I'm on the boat 3-4 days a week and the tank takes a back seat.

Sounds like you are battling some nutrient issues and their are several solutions to that. Reach out and ask!
Set up full ecosystem where you add fresh water, dump skimmer cups, and dose lost nutrients and its easy. I stay interested with new fish and coral. Easy when you have 3 tanks. Look at these, how can you get bored?

50 seconds devoted to each of my three
Switch to 720
all great replies; Its not so much that I can't maintain a tank, its that I lose interest and move on to something else after a couple weeks. I love buying new toys and the flavor changes fast.
^ I would just buy the latest & greatest wavemaker and skimmer if that's whats keeping your interest at roam....
maybe toggle with lights, reactors etc...
all great replies; Its not so much that I can't maintain a tank, its that I lose interest and move on to something else after a couple weeks. I love buying new toys and the flavor changes fast.

My other hobby is cars. I can't lie I spend 6 months of year deeply passionate about reef and fish and the other half in car customization. Sometimes
Concurrently but I cannot afford to blow money each month on both! :D
I have 2 tanks. Mine is your average 55g predator tank with euphyllia coral and the other is a 29g biocube i set up for the gf so she could have a pair of clown fish. Her tank is stocked to the max with hammers, frogspawn, octospawn, torchs, acans and favia. Im a fan of keep it simple. In the 3 years ive been in this hobby ive never tested the water, not once. Changed 5 gallons of water (red sea coral pro) a week. Kept filter floss, purigen and chemipure elite clean and up to date on the 29g. And im running a basic skimmer sump in the 55g with a cheap sca skimmer and a gfo reactor. With just changing the water and keeping the filter media in the 29g i never once had algae in the tank. Just diatoms during cycling. I have the occasional bubble aglage here and there but it gets syphoned out when i notice it. The 55g predator tank usually always has a patch of hair algae somewere in the tank along with dragons tongue algae and some green plant that i have to pluck out weekly. Its never gotten out of hand for me and im a mechanic at sun toyota working 7 days a week 10 hours a day. No dosing, no testing the water. Just water changes each week. Granted i dont have big systems with sps corals and what not. But with my 2 systems i have less is actually more.
I have 2 tanks in my living room both surrond the tv so you have no choice but to see them i find myself a lot of times watching them.
I have 2 tanks in my living room both surrond the tv so you have no choice but to see them i find myself a lot of times watching them.

My 180 reef is near the TV upstairs as well and I find myself ignoring my show. In the basement, I have my 125 reef and 180 fowlr within basic view of the TV. Same problem. If you want to call it a problem :D
its all about the water!!

its all about the water!!

If you start with perfect RODI then you are not a slave to nuisance algae. Keep the filters changed and monitor TDS. Thanks Brad