How do you know?


New member
My leather (devil's hand) has got 2 small holes in it. The polyps still pop out when the lights turn on in the morning. It also still eats the cyclopeeze I feed my fish. the holes are near the outer fingers and it looks like the fingers will fall off if this continues. Is it naturaley fragging itself. Its a pretty big leather around 5" to 6" wide when fully open. Blew the holes with turkey baster cause some crud was collecting in them. Didn't look like any kind of rot no tissue was coming off.

So what are the signs of natural fragging?
Not sure with devil's hand but with some toadstools I've seen like a smaller toadstool kind of develop on the edge then drop off. Its as if the edge of the cap forms itself into a circle then falls off and attaches elsewhere. With Kenya tree the arms just fall off. No signs of holes. Hope that helps.
That means NOOOOO my devil's hand is gonna DIE!!

Ha ha well I looked at it again at night when it is retracted. Looks like one of the holes is starting to create a fissure across the middle of the leather. Still looks fine though opens polyps and accepts cyclops. Holes still don't look rotted out no nasty hangy tissue yet.

Hopefully it doesn't die that would suck. If it does start then i'll frag off some of its fingers.
