How do you QT your coral?


New member
I will be setting a QT tank for coral additions. Just looking for insight on how you all go about it. Like what dips you use, how you maintain the tank, equipment used, and daily schedules. Any links to coral dipping and QT would be greatly appreciated.
I stick it in a 5 gallon bucket with a pump, heater and bag of carbon then put the bucket next to my tank to get ambient light. Then again I have no space for a real qt.
I have a few tanks I use for qt ranging in size from 20-40 gallons. For equipment, I have a couple power heads, heater, and t5 lights. I dip each coral before I place them in QT and then dip them once a week for 4-6 weeks. My dip of choice is Bayer for SPS and revive for the few lps corals I have. My process may be a little overboard, but I've had aefw and red bugs in my past tank… never again.