how Far Above the Water Line Do You Keep Your T5 Fixture

how Far Above the Water Line Do You Keep Your T5 Fixture

  • Between 4-5"

    Votes: 30 19.5%
  • Between 5-6"

    Votes: 15 9.7%
  • Between 6-7"

    Votes: 32 20.8%
  • Between 7-8"

    Votes: 27 17.5%
  • Between 9-10"

    Votes: 39 25.3%
  • Less Than 4"

    Votes: 11 7.1%

  • Total voters


New member

Wasn't able to do a search that showed much of this info, so thought I would compile a list this way.

Please share, and as an option, let us know what fixture you are using at what height as well.
Light loses intensity very fast with distance.
If you need more light moving them closer would be a good idea.
Carbon is also very good to increase water transparency.
wow i just started a thread about something similar, i just got my 6bulb and its 10" high and i have my lights about 11" from the surface.
I have an Aquaticlife 4 bulb t5 that's 3" above the tank. The tank is 10" tall but my light schedule is:

12pm - 8pm: uvl super actinic + ati blue plus
4pm - 7pm: ati blue plus + uvl aqua sun.
I got a 150w halide with 8t5ho's on my 24 tall 90g cube 8 inches from water level

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4 T5's with an Ice cap ballast

I'm at 6" over a 75g ----48x18x20 Sps dominant tank. Acros growth & color are fine to about 18" deep.

i have 4x24w t5 my tank is 15inch's deep and i keep them two inches from the water i bought the lights used didn't come with the legs so i put pieces of 2x4 is this to close i have a 28 gal jbj mix reef.
10x T5 39 Watt in ATI Sunpowers. I have mine as close as possible to the surface, it helps me to reduce overall lighting period.
Aquaticlife fixture about 3" from the water surface here too... Wondering if it would be better to raise them up lots of pale colors in my tank... Very interesting thread!
Just thinking about this

Just thinking about this

So I have a 125g tank
some SPS few tangs, clown,Live Rock and Bubble Tip Anemone

I have a older 6 bulb ATI 54W and I was just thinking about, if i need to raise it to 9-10. and right now I have 3 whites and 3 blues. can someone give me some advise on what colors I should have for the T5 bulbs. My tank is 8 months old and I'm still learning but I love this hobby. thank you.
I start off wit a distance of 9-10" over the water line. Then, reduce the distance every month to ensure that brightness and PAR remain more or less the same. I have PAR meter to allow me to judge how much to reduce.