New member
i figured here or the chemical forum would be the place to put this so ill start here. ive messed up somewhere(kinda hard to admit... ive trolled for so long that ive been able to keep very healthy and growing sps in my first reef tank)and my alk has dropped drastically.
sg 1.025
amo 0
trite 0
trate 5-ish
ph 7.8-7.9 at night and 8.1ish durring lights on
ca 440
alk dkh 4.8-5 ish
mg ?
i am running a korallin 1502 reactor with ARM media and i did do a pretty big water change with oceanpure ~ a week ago with oceanpure salt and did not bother to check the alk.
ive read a few of randy's threads and have slowly started to drip some baking soda(enough in a 16 oz glass of ro/di to raise the dkh ~1 according to randy http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/nov2002/chem.htm it took ~8 hours to drip this solution). now my question is am i moving too fast and should i back it off a bit or can i keep up at this pace till my desired dkh of 8-9 is aquired? when can i get an accurate alk test after dosing this kind of solution? if you have any other info that could be helpful lmk. thanks in advance
sg 1.025
amo 0
trite 0
trate 5-ish
ph 7.8-7.9 at night and 8.1ish durring lights on
ca 440
alk dkh 4.8-5 ish
mg ?
i am running a korallin 1502 reactor with ARM media and i did do a pretty big water change with oceanpure ~ a week ago with oceanpure salt and did not bother to check the alk.
ive read a few of randy's threads and have slowly started to drip some baking soda(enough in a 16 oz glass of ro/di to raise the dkh ~1 according to randy http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/nov2002/chem.htm it took ~8 hours to drip this solution). now my question is am i moving too fast and should i back it off a bit or can i keep up at this pace till my desired dkh of 8-9 is aquired? when can i get an accurate alk test after dosing this kind of solution? if you have any other info that could be helpful lmk. thanks in advance