The frags tank is too young(is my theory) to get banging color on acros with any light.Your light is not the issue.Microbial life needs to be thick to make acros happy and even when linkd to a mature tank,a cycle will ensue and take 6 months minimum of stability to create idel conditions for acropora.Just your description alone is all I am going on but I have seen this a few times or more with frag tanks.
Give me your params.
Phos(read with a colormeter or hanna) 0.02ppm hanna
Daily average alk(measured morning and night) 140ppm (7.84 dkh) hanna
MG levels around 1450ppm
Cal level- 420ppm
SG (read on a calibrated Refract) 1.026
Temp swings- night 78.1, day 80.1
ph swings daily- still chronically low. Considering resorting to kalk in top off soon. night 7.59, day 7.70
what type of alk supp used- ca reactor
what salt- Usually IO or RC no supplements added. Occasionally Brightwells
age of frag tank- June of 2011... so almost 6 months
type of flow in frag tank- (50 gallons) flow from sump is low, approx. 300gph, internal pumps are two mp20's. one on reef crest and one on short pulse making a standing 1" wave in the tank.
GFO or GAC used- GFO yes, GAC no
and bac dosing now or previously- no, dont believe in the science behind it WRT how acros respond.
did u ever use interceptor in the last year- never used interceptor
age of dt- approx. 3.5 years
Thanks Dan