How long do Zoos last?


New member
Does anyone have Zoo colonies that are a couple of years old? Or do Zoos just melt and disappear? It seems like Zoo colonies spread and grow then out of the blue in two or three days they disappear forever. Is this normal for everyone? Cause if this is normal, it stinks.
In my experience, water quality goes south when zoa population melts or declines. Quick fix is water change.
I have zoas that I have had for 6 years. I bought armor of God a long time ago and they have done well. The colony isn't huge, maybe a couple hundred, but they do last if conditions are favorable for them.
I had my zoas for 6 years. My first coral purchase ever...I'd like to think they are still alive and thriving...just in someone else's tank.
I had some zoanthids hitchhike there way in on some live rock before. Nine years later when my tank cracked, they were still with me.

The orange ones on the right.
