How long for zoa's to open


I bought some zoa's in my 55g mixed reef. They have yet to open. I was wondering how long it takes. I have them low in the tank under a 150 mh 14K.
Water flow is moderate.

SG 1.023/30
Temp 78.2
PH 8.4
Alk 9dkh
Cal. 460
Mag. 1360
NO3 5
PO undetectable

No fish picking at them:
Sm Hippo Tang
Sm Sailfin
Royal Gramma
McCosker Flasher
Blue Dot Sleeper Goby
Mystery Wrasse
I've had zoas open within minutes of putting them in the tank (even with 3+ hour car ride)

and ive had zoas stay closed for weeks before opening, some are just more picky than others, just keep an eye on them and make sure there arent any pests
the zoas i got also opened irght away in the tank, they were open in the bag even when i was floating the bag.
I've even had corals open in minutes after placement in tank. some times i even see frags take about 2 mths before they even multiply, then all of a sudden they start growing like crazy
They will take the time they need to.
If they look healthy and there is no infection or films on them there is nothing to worry about.
