How long till my shrooms plant themselves?


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I just got a couple of tiny shroom frags and would just like to know the best way to mount them on my live rock and how long untill I don't have to worry about them floating off to a unlit spot where I can't find them??
Glue them down, gel super glue. Dont get any on the shrooms, glue the rock to your liverock.
I left rock underneath them, did they detach?
get a small glad ware container fill it with rubble rock an tos the shroom in they will sink and becuase they are in the glad ware they will no get current and float away. after a week or two depending on your tank conditions they will have stuck them selves to the rock and then just remove them and plave in very low to no current and allow them to grow out alittle and then you all set. Pm if you want other ways but this the most cost effective in your case. If they do get to much current and floats away drill tons of hole in the lid of the gladware and then place it ontop and it will not go anywhere.
Hi Kevin,
The 1 green shroom came off the rock so I'm trying to get him to reattach useing a small rubber band...maybe I'll try the tupperware method but with a glass container to let in more light.
Thanks again,
I just use an old Aquadine plastic cup...cover the bottom w/ rubble or crushed coral, put the loose shroom in there, cover the bowl with some netting and use a rubberband to hold the netting on the bowl. In a week or so they'll attach to one of the pieces of rubble and you can then place it wherever you want.

I had bad luck trying to directly net the coral to a rock...the coral absolutely refused to attach (probably irritated by the netting). The bowl provides extremely low flow and good enough light so that the mushroom will attach.