How long to accurate redox reading?


I just set up my profilux controller today. I installed the redox probe and I am getting a reading of -38. I know this can not be right. How long before I start getting an accurate reading from the probe or do I have a bad probe? I shut off my ozonizer as I do no want to overdose my tank.

Thanks for the quick reply.

That is longer than I was hoping, but there is nothing I can do about it. I was hoping it would give a good reading in a day or two.
A redox probe has to have time to build up an ion coating on the probe element to read correctly, in salt water the specific ions take longer to bond to the platinum tip than in fresh water as the salt water is more dense.

There is a much longer explanation but at 10.30 at night after a litre of fine red wine, im lucky I can find the keyboard:beer:
it all depends on the quality of the probe, GHL probes I have found are pretty rapid, but I would expect that, generic probes can be a nightmare to get going
I did a calibration on the probe Friday. I no longer get a negative reading. It is starting to settle in nicely. Hopefully I will get a steady reading in the next few days. I will leave the ozonizer off until the reading gets stable.

It seems all I needed was a calibration.
This is a new one ????
I have an A/M redox controller and it reads 1025 has benn in tank over one month. Are you saying to readjust it. I cannot get the setting low enough. Any IDEAS
Redox must be calibrated every month without question, this is due to the fact that dirt builds up around the probe effecting its reading.

You have a 1025 reading with an american marine controller? Time to invest in a profiLux :)

But to answer your question, it sounds like your American marine Pinpoint probe has gone off, or it is duff.
I sent them a poor e/mail about there product and the gentleman there was upset ,that I ditched his product. Thank You for the advice.