How long?


Premium Member
I added caulerpa to my sump last Friday (4 days). For months, I've been battling red slime algae and nitrates of about 10. How long do you think before the macroalgae starts to make a difference?
well i have a ton of macro in a twenty long and the hair algae is barely disapearing. the thing with prolifera is that it grows so fast that it takes up the nutrients that red slime needs to live. as long as you can try to keep excess waste down and partial water changes then the slime will go away. give it a couple of weeks and watch. the macro will have tripled in size and the slime will have reduced
How is your refugeium plumbed?. I Belive that this has to do alot with the growth rate of the alge. Does 100% of the water pass through the fuge. Almost forgot, What type is it?