How many coral put in at a time?


New member
Ok I know with fish and stuff you are only to add a certain # of fish and crabs at a time. What is the rule for Corals? Is it only a couple at a time?
had to say for sure. give us an idea of what you'd be adding at once to help determine a bit more
I added a couple of sps frag packs to my 72 all at once back in January or February... my best suggestion is to keep an eye on alk and calc consumption as mine shot through the roof and had I not realized it, I'm sure a lot of the new frags would have suffered.
From Fragswapper -
- Devils Finger and Kenya Tree
- green pocillopora
- monticulosa
- woods polyps
- xenia ( pulsing is what I want)
- purple chalice with toxic green eyes
- ultra zoos /orange center/ dragon eye/5 polyps

I know that is alot but the ones I would really like are:
- Devils Finger and Kenya Tree
- xenia ( pulsing is what I want)
- ultra zoos /orange center/ dragon eye/5 polyps

But then again I am new to corals, so any advise would be great, Have a Green star Polyp and a BIG leather that I will be asking about how to frag...:)

thanks for the help
the monticulosa requires very high flow and lots & lots of light. it colors up best under 400w halides. I would not recomed it as a beginer coral.

the poci does well under most all light. great beginer sps..

the others will be fine to add all at once considering they are only frags and not large colonies..
I have added over 20 new frags at once without any problems. You should be fine with that list...

My light is 480 watt Odyssea, 2- 175 MH 2-65 PC so I think the lighting is not a issue.

Oh also were in the tank do most of these like to be?
Your lights will be fine :)

- Devils Finger and Kenya Tree - low
- green pocillopora - high to halfway
- monticulosa - high
- woods polyps - low
- xenia ( pulsing is what I want) - low
- purple chalice with toxic green eyes - halfway to low
- ultra zoos /orange center/ dragon eye/5 polyps - low to halfway