How many corals

I have six corals (most are small to medium size colonies), medium purple mushroom colony, and four anemones! In a 72g bowfront... Hence, why I'm so looking forward to the FMAS Frag swap. lol
Wow, I won't count them, but I probably have 40 in my 14 gallon, lol. Had to start mounting them on the back wall. I have about 25 different SPS, and a bunch of assorted lps and zoas. I just transferred all my corals to a 30 gallon holding tank and I felt I needed more room, despite being twice the size of my nano.
Wow, I won't count them, but I probably have 40 in my 14 gallon, lol. Had to start mounting them on the back wall. I have about 25 different SPS, and a bunch of assorted lps and zoas. I just transferred all my corals to a 30 gallon holding tank and I felt I needed more room, despite being twice the size of my nano.

I can't even picture 40 in a 14 Lol. Gotta see a picture please
I can't even picture 40 in a 14 Lol. Gotta see a picture please
SPS: green bn, ponape, bop, random bird, slimer, sm monti, sunset, poker star, setosa, capitata, X factor, green, jtc, green Mille, rose Mille, RP, teal acro, random acro, bonsai, jmt monti, p planet, hulk, random acro #2

Lps: meteor shower, 3 other cyphastrea, green favia, dragon soul, sponge bob, PIP, hammer, stunner, fire lamellosa

Soft: GSP, uc, rasta, YBR, rpe, BH, ae, lunars, random red, buttons, km, sd, nuc g, GOW, fl, eof, random lunar.

Might have missed a few. That's 54. Most are frags, lots of mini-colonies, a few large colonies. Keep in mind I was using my nano as a collecting bin for my upgrade that is finally happening. Tore down the nano. Took forever:deadhorse:
I can't even picture 40 in a 14 Lol. Gotta see a picture please


1 year ago....

6 months ago.....
I got rid of a lot of colonies for more desirable frags....

Most of the SPS has doubled in size since that pic. My birds nest colonies are HUGE now. I'll get some pictures of the holding tank this weekend so you can see how much they've grown, LOL! Got the birds nest as tiny 1/4"-1" frags, now they are the size of grapefruits! My hammer is getting huge as well.

Should have taken a pic before I tore it down, but I was impulsive about it ;)

1 year ago....

6 months ago.....
I got rid of a lot of colonies for more desirable frags....

Most of the SPS has doubled in size since that pic. My birds nest colonies are HUGE now. I'll get some pictures of the holding tank this weekend so you can see how much they've grown, LOL! Got the birds nest as tiny 1/4"-1" frags, now they are the size of grapefruits! My hammer is getting huge as well.

Should have taken a pic before I tore it down, but I was impulsive about it ;)

Wow!!! That's beautiful. Great color. I had my bio cube up and it's all nice till everything starts to grow it out. And then came my 120 gal SMH. This hobby sucks you in.