How many of you chase 0 nitrates?

I dose Vinegar/Vodka, and use Prodibio. The amount I dose is about 30% of what is typical for a tank my size, but yes I carbon dose. It seems that carbon dosing, whether this or that does seem to mess with the Nitrate Phosphate balance. There are theories that some of the Zeo supplements contain nitrate to counteract this. Maybe Ryansaquarium can comment, but I believe Zeostart is basically nitrate along with carbon source?
Well I started using nopox. Did the recommended dose for my size tank at 10+ no3 and I got a pretty bad bacteria bloom. Once that cleared I tried a 2/3 dose and that still clouded my tank, just not as severely. Then I did a 2/3 dose as if my tank had 5 - 10 no3 and it still clouded slightly. So either I have lower nitrates than what I think I do (bad test kit) or I'm doing something wrong. Talked to the people at Red sea and they said same thing. That's a sign of over dosing or your nitrates are lower than what your dosing for.
Well I started using nopox. Did the recommended dose for my size tank at 10+ no3 and I got a pretty bad bacteria bloom. Once that cleared I tried a 2/3 dose and that still clouded my tank, just not as severely. Then I did a 2/3 dose as if my tank had 5 - 10 no3 and it still clouded slightly. So either I have lower nitrates than what I think I do (bad test kit) or I'm doing something wrong. Talked to the people at Red sea and they said same thing. That's a sign of over dosing or your nitrates are lower than what your dosing for.

I have been carbon dosing for about 2 years now if you include my previous tank. Although I do not use nopox, I do use a blend of vodka and vinegar which is basically what nopox is, although nopox is heavier on the vodka.

I would not try to calculate anything. Start with a small amount and dose regularly and monitor. Increase dose until you get your desired levels. I would never think to bolus dose something like that for fear of a bloom or overdose, although I know some people do bolus dose with vinegar or vodka when things get a little high.

I do not know specifically about nopox and its directions aside from the fact that its acetic acid and ethanol, so take my post with a grain of salt.
By the way with no pox, the Cliff Notes version of the directions are if your nitrates are over 10 you dose 3 milliliters per 25 gallons of water if its between 10 and 2.5 you dose 2 milliliters per 25 gallons of water if its under 2.5 you dose one millilitre / 25 gallons of water
By the way with no pox, the Cliff Notes version of the directions are if your nitrates are over 10 you dose 3 milliliters per 25 gallons of water if its between 10 and 2.5 you dose 2 milliliters per 25 gallons of water if its under 2.5 you dose one millilitre / 25 gallons of water

A bolus is just one large dose, sorry was trying to sound smart:idea:

As far as those directions, I always err on the low side. I would have just dosed 1-2ml/25gal and adjusted every week depending on how things were going. You can always ramp up. If you start to fast too soon you get blooms and the issues you see. With carbon dosing you want to start slow and go up from there. It may take you a couple of months to get there, but in this hobby a couple of months is nothing. Again, just my opinion. YMMV. There is a great reefkeeping article on carbon dosing, I usually follow those guidelines but always err on the conservative side. That goes for vinegar, supplements, whatever! :fun2:
By the way with no pox, the Cliff Notes version of the directions are if your nitrates are over 10 you dose 3 milliliters per 25 gallons of water if its between 10 and 2.5 you dose 2 milliliters per 25 gallons of water if its under 2.5 you dose one millilitre / 25 gallons of water

Is that a daily recommendation? Btw- bonus means all at once, or sporadic big volumes instead of frequent constant dosing.
I would let things settle down and then try again but this time start with a much lower dose. It's generally recommended that the dose be done during the lighting period. With carbon dosing in essence you're just fueling bacteria. That something that I think we should all be very careful with. IMHO.....
Hey Rovi, i was reading through that article and that 15 page thread for vodka / vinegar mix for carbon dosing. After about page 10 my eyes started glazing over. Post # 40 somehting and #88 seem to have the mixing percentages. What mixture did you finally settle on?
Hey Rovi, i was reading through that article and that 15 page thread for vodka / vinegar mix for carbon dosing. After about page 10 my eyes started glazing over. Post # 40 somehting and #88 seem to have the mixing percentages. What mixture did you finally settle on?

Don't overcomplicate it. General tenants of carbon dosing:

Start slow and ramp up slowly. When you hit low nutrients back off and settle on a maintenance dose, adjust accordingly.

Dose during your lighting period.

If you see bacterial bloom or white strands everywhere its too much too soon or just too much.

If you run low nutrients, keep Alk closer to NSW levels. In my tank if alk gets to 8 or above, I get burnt tips, EVERY TIME.

Make sure you have a good skimmer.

Another observation I've made is that when carbon dosing, corals become sensitive to anything. Any kind of swing or change they react twice as bad and for twice as long. This is just a personal observation I've made.

In my last tank I used to add MB7 to the tank, in my current tank I add BioDigest. The general consensus is that adding a bacterial source is NOT needed when carbon dosing, but the way I view it it doesn't hurt, it MAY be beneficial and I'm going to continue doing it.

To answer your question, I used to use about 20% vodka to vinegar, I now use close to 40% which is closer to NOPOX if I remember right.
So 4 parts vodka and six parts vinegar?

Yup. Been at that mix the last 2 refills of my resovoir. I used to do 1:4 vodka vinegar, WAY back it was 1:8. Honestly I don't think it matters much. Its all an experiment anyway.

When I first started mixing I was doing 1:8 because I figured it was "equal parts" of each in terms of potency. When I went to 4:6 I had to back it off some because the vodka is potent. If I had to "recommend" a combo if someone was insistent on mixing the 2 I'd say start with 1:8 or 1:4.

Some do straight vinegar, some do straight vodka. Bottom line is it all works, but gotta follow the rules and know what you are running. Vinegar is more forgiving. I'm probably dosing 10mL a day but I could be wrong. I dose using my Apex using an OSC command only during my lighting period. I'd be happy to share it if anyone wants it to get an idea of how I do it.

Edit, here it is anyway, LOL!
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