How much could i get for my complete nano?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11676778#post11676778 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jonathanws
you guys are brutal. some of the PMs containing offers have just been laughable-i won't be responding to them anymore. kind of makes me want to skip this site and rip some teenager off on craigslist

First off, Jess is 100% right.
RC policy is stated in the sticky at the top of this forum.
You are expected to place a firm asking price in your thread. Threads without a listed price, auctions and "best-offer" threads are not allowed and will be removed.

Second, the PM I sent you was strictly for your own information about what each of those items normally get sold for around here.
I also let you know that the only thing I was really interested in was a couple of zoas if you start parting out.
There's tons of used equipment/tanks/critters posted here every week and it's certainly a "buyer's market", not a "seller's market".

Third, have you checked out the newspaper or craigslist lately?
Some of the deals that pop up there make these forum threads look expensive.
When I bought my 125g it was listed for $300 total and that came w/ wood cabinet, canopy, 72" VHO light system, wet/dry, mag7, powerheads, UV sterilizer, sand, rocks, fish, inverts, corals, and all chemicals, accessories, etc.
Of course that kind of super deal doesn't happen everyday/week/or month, but they do happen if you're a patient buyer.

Take Jess' advice.
Put a reasonable price that you would be happy with next to each item and see who's interested, then adjust from there for what's left over.
My best guess was that you could expect around $500 or a little more if you parted out at prices that would sell here.
Either way, I really do wish you the best of luck in recovering some of your investment and finding homes for your critters.

(don't forget, I've called first dibs on those tubs blues and AOG) ;)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11677374#post11677374 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jessp
maybe instead of asking what you should sell it for figure it out for yourself and set a price like the RC policy requires you to do.

i didn't put anything up for sale in here, so i'm not really violating anything now am I?

as i mentioned in my original post, i wanted to see what you guys thought it would be worth. trust me, i didn't ask 100 of you to send me various offers for various pieces of what i have :eek:

and geez, for those of you who are screaming VIOLATION OF FORUM RULES!!!!!!!!!!, seriously, get a life
i don't think that is going to help you sell. just an fyi.

i picked up my 135, stand, lights, sump, 1 return pump, 3 power heads, and some lr for 300 bucks. reef tanks and fish tanks aren't a "your investing" type deal.
i understand, i should have added that i've received a number of PMs and wasn't referring to anyone who has posted in this thread. lol but cmon i just wanted to see how much it would be worth as a unit, not expecting to get calls at 9:50 last night with some guy wanting to buy my AOGs for $10