how much flow for zoos

dock rat

In Memoriam
So how much flow is to much flow for zoos ?

Do u guys prefer 5x , 10x , 15X , or 20x for a zoo only tank

When you say flow, are you talking about turnover or current/flow via a powerhead in the water?

Ok lets talk tank turnover with powerheads. I have 40g breeder and I was thinking of about using say 30X turnover with powerheads. Looking at using a Seio 820 and a couple of MJ900 modded as well as the return from the sump which would be another 400-500gph. I was thinking of putting this on SCWD to just mix things up a little.
Not what I had intended but thought it might help him out as well. Didn't want to start a new thread on the very same thing as well. Sorry
I have 4 maxijet 1200s in my 40 breeder. 3 for current and flow and one for my Remora skimmer. Total of about 30x turnover. I think it is perfect. Zoanthids and other corals are growing quickly. The zoanthids tend to like the heavier flow areas, and my clove polyps and mushrooms tend to like the lower flow areas. I don't think I would want or need any more flow than this in this small of a tank. To answer the original question 20-30 times turnover should be good average to shoot for overall, and you zoanthids should be fine. Just be careful not to have too little flow or debris can build up between polyps and cause problems.
Thats great just the info i was looking for Im converting a 10g nano for my zoos it had sps so i think im set i think i have 25x
turn over
Thanks guys