How much flow through sump?


New member
Right now i have my return t'ed off and is pushing a good amount of flow through my refugeum... I also had to (for the time being) T my drain off to go half into the sump and half into the fuge because the sump was filling up faster then the water could get to the fuge... (there is only 3/4 line going from sump to fuge).

So there is alot of flow my fuge then in my sump..

I do plan on getting 2" bulk heads for the line going through the sump to the fuge..... But will there be any proiblems in the immediate future with little flow in the sump?
I run less than 400gph through my sump, and it is almost as big as your main tank. The less flow the better in my opinion - keep the high turnover in the main tank.

my over flows are about maxed out... anymore flow and its gets super loud and spits water out of the whole in the top when it goes up and down.