How much GFO should I be using in my NextReef Media Reactor


New member
I have a 120 gallon fish and rock only tank - specs are the following 48x24x24! I read that you would use around 1 cup and a 1/2 of GFO that i got from Bulk Reef Supply and I wanted some feedback on how much other people you that has the pretty much same set up as I do. I around 5 or 6 fish, Yellow Tang, Raccoon Butterfly, Saebae, Blue Throat, few Damsels...Along w/ 10 Mexican Turbo-snails, 10 bluelegs hermit crabs and a banded shrimp. Also, I have just about 70 pounds or so of live rock in the tank that is it. What are your thoughts?

What is your current phosphate reading?

Parts Per Billion (PPB) from a hannah ultra-low checker would be the best to post results.
Mt phos is at 0.0ppm.. I have been running ROWAPhos for the last 2 weeks and wanted to try something different, so I went with BRS GFO this time around. Also, have another rector that just runs activated carbon.. I have in my fuge about 5 Mangroves growing as well to help filter my water. The tank has been up and running for over 10 years. My Maxspect XF 130 gyre pump went down and my pump on my reactor broke so it was neglected for a few months and I had a massive green hair algae break out which I have under control now. Did a few water changes and have everything back up and running but wanted some feedback on how much to run in the reactor?
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