How much should i feed my fish?

Llama 72

Here are the fish in my aquarium:

1-Korean Angel - 5"
4-Pajama Cardinals- 2"
1-lawnmower blennie
1-royal gramma
1-clown goby -1"
1-yellow tang -4"
1-blue tang- 3"
4-damsels (I know now)

110g - tall tank (4')

I am feeding 1 frozen cube of mysis shrimp and a pinch of flakes twice a day.

Is that too much or not enough? The Korean angel seems to me starving.
I only have 3 fish currently and I feed 2 cubes of frozen once a day. But I also have a fair amount to hermit crabs, a few peppermint shrimp and tons of bristleworms.
It depends on how much your fish are eating and your excess nutrient load. If your fish are eating the food and your nutrients are low, then I say feed as much as you want. However, if your nutrients are increasing, then back off feeding until they get to where you want them.