How often do you feed your octo?


New member
I got a caribbean octopus on wednesday. Not sure species but it curled up in a ball it is 4 inches or a little more than a foot from tentacle to tentacle.

I havent tryed to feed it yet and was wondering how often do you guys feed your octopuses.(yes I know that this is not the proper way to pluralize it)

My gut fealing would be to feed it 2 or 3 times a week but I really have no clue.
It really depends on how fast and big you wat your octopus to grow.
I have fed all of mine daily to every other day and they do just fine. A octopus willwill stop eating when it is full. If you fed it less often you may see it become more active as it forages for food. They will get to know you as the "food god" after awhile and expect to be fed every time they see you. If you shhot a pic over I can try to ID it. You may have O.briareus. .
As for the correct plural. Octopuses more correct because octopus is a greek word and pi is latin so octopuses is a more correct plural over octopi.
Any particular part of the octopus you need clear in the picture to help ID it. A few hours ago it stretched out. Its arms are much longer than I though. Its is more like 2ft from tip to tip.
A view so that I can see the top of the octopus with its mantle , arms and webbing under good light conditions would be great. A side shot would be good too.
I feed mine Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. This isn't quite every other day, but close. I also add 1-2 damsels per week, he/she likes chasing them down, but doesn't eat the whole thing, gotta clean it out about an hour later to keep tank fresh. Keep the water cool helps alot. Mine is from

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