New member
How often do you guys feed your fish corals etc? Im sure it depends on the bio load and the equipment(skimmer,pellets,gfo etc..) just curios on the success.
What do you feed?
What do you feed?
200gal with 30 fish
Feed 10 cubes of frozen per day
nori twice a week
Keep sps, lps and softies. RBTA and long tenticle anemone. I dont feed corals or anemones directly
I feed what I think is a lot. I feed exclusively frozen food no pellets. Its a frozen blend that I make myself and then I add brine and Mysis to it. One chunk of that with one cube of brine and 3 cubes of Mysis lasts me a few days. I also add Reef Roids to my frozen concoction.
I feed 2-4 times a day during the week, and sometimes up to 6-7 when I'm home. Also every night or every other night I'm adding a dash of some coral food in, whatever I'm in the mood for (Pohls, Acropower, Coral Vitalizer, Oyster Magnifique, etc....)
I also put a small piece of nori every 1-3 days for my tangs.
I can try to post a pic or video of how much I feed if you think that would help....
Yeah on the weekends I go nutz. That said never seen algae in my display, although cyano likes to hang around lately....